If Money Could Talk...
Please don’t misunderstand me;
I am not your miracle or your savior. I’m only a medium of
exchange to be used as a tool to create your chosen lifestyle.
I am not the root of all evil as some of you have believed over
the years I am vital to a prosperous society. Without me,
mankind would probably do no better than a primitive
agricultural society.
So many people all over the world equate me with power,
probably because powerful people covet me. Want to know a
secret? I’m sort of like a magnifying glass in that I have a
tendency to make an individual more
of what they are. Let me explain:
John Rosen of Culver City, California was
a kind man. He and his wife and 3 kids
attended church and contributed as
regularly as their meager income would
allow. John worked as a bus driver in Los
Angeles and his wife Cathy was a
homemaker. Having a family with 3
children assured the Rosens of serious
financial challenges. Even so, John was
known to give his last to someone whom
he deemed as being more needy than he
and his family. Everyone knew that John
was a giving man.