4 5 6
Why Can’t I Just Call
the Family Instead of
Sending Direct Mail?
Can You Wholesale
Probate Deals?
Don’t Most Probates
Want Retail for the
My initial contact is never by
Some sellers will want retail and
phone. I always send a letter to Any real property must be sold some won’t. When you think
the executor/administrator. If before the estate can be about probate investing, these
you think about this for a closed. In most states you just sellers are no different than any
minute; how would you feel if put the property under contract others. Houses that are in great
someone called you out of the and move forward. Be aware shape will generally be listed on
blue when your loved one that some states like California the MLS. Properties that need
passed away? You wouldn’t have a very different procedure. repairs and updates are the
like the intrusion. You will need to learn how the likely candidates to be sold to an
probate process works in your investor.
These folks will call when they state. (Remember that
are ready. Some families will detective work?)
dive right in and open the
estate. Other people may wait
a year or longer. Generally
speaking, when they open the
estate they are ready to move
forward with the sale of the
The 10 Most
I’m asked About
Probate Investing