Social media connections
“Holly Lynn is a personable and well connected real estate investor
and professional that brings deals together for a win win outcome.”
Holly’s social media accounts
B. Sharma, Investor
are ablaze with activity too
people share what they’ve
been able to do, the goals
“If you’ve been waiting for an opportunity, maybe this is it
they’ve reached and the
connections they’ve made.
As “The Real Estate Investor’s Lawyer” I have spoken in front of many
real estate investor clubs. Holly’s investor club had some of the
“Social influence is definitely
highest quality attendees I have ever seen.
me. That’s how I connect
people. I make calls constantly They are engaged, experienced and actually doing deals and/or
to get to know people, then I seriously interested in doing deals. I give her a lot of credit for
connect the dots. I know who is attracting that high quality of real estate professional.
looking for what, so I make the
connection, get them together I have also had the privilege and pleasure of representing Holly and
and enjoy watching the have been very impressed with her and her real estate investing
results!” activities.
Her reputation is seen in the They say that opportunity never knocks twice. There’s even a parable
lives changed… of how opportunity is a bald man with a long beard. You can only grab
him when he’s in front of you and you can’t get him back once he
passes you. If you’ve been waiting for an opportunity, maybe this is it.
J. Lerman, Litigator
Connect, Invest and Retire Rich