The Old Man
and His House
The foreclosure case took a The moral of this story relates to life itself. We
little over one year and all have unforeseen future circumstances
$10,000 + in legal fees. Even affect us (and consequently the title to our
though I was involved and property) in ways we cannot imagine in the present. Anytime you go on
helped the old couple as title with someone (even your spouse or significant other), you are
much as I could, the stress risking losing your interest because of someone else’s actions.
on them was still great.
Within a year and a half both Further, if you sell property on an installment contract by allowing the
of these fine people died. buyer to take title immediately you are risking a lot. This is why I teach
real estate investors to not only put each of their properties into
separate trusts, but to sell the beneficial interests of those trusts if they
are not selling for all cash.
Real estate investing is fraught with risks and using a Land Trust to
hold title reduces those risks. The method of selling the Beneficial
Interest in a Land Trust is just one of over 50 reasons to use a Land
Trust. I encourage you to learn more by going to my FREE online
training at: or text me at 206203
2005 for my free booklet, “Reasons to Use a Land Trust.” You can also
reach me the old fashion way by calling me at 8666967347 (I actually
answer my own phone).
Randy Hughes, aka, Mr. Land Trust™
It is difficult to convey all of the benefits of using a Land Trust in a short article
like this. I have been using (and writing about) Land Trusts for the last 40
years. If you would like to learn more about how to create your own Land
Trusts, for FREE training go to: www.landtrustwebinar .com/411 or email me at:
[email protected] for my FREE booklet, “50 Reasons to Use a Land Trust”
or contact me the old fashioned way by calling 8666967347 (I actually answer
my own phone!) Randy Hughes, aka, Mr. Land Trust™