So don't wait until you are an expert before you
Don’t ever force the matter
and manipulate facts to justify
buying a bad deal
just to do one
start taking action because it will never happen.
Start with baby steps and find out how much you
really need to know and what you need to focus
on to get the next level. It can be scary to get out
of your comfort zone but nothing worth doing has
The typical homeowner only calls about 3 people to
come and make an offer for their house.
ever been easy.
much better than competing with 20 other investors.
4. You Make Your Profit When You Buy
Besides having less competition, dealing directly
Regardless of what ‘strategy’ you use, you really
with homeowners also allows you to get away with
make your profit when you buy.
much lower amounts for earnest money and not
having to show proof of funds.
It is also much
easier to have 'escape clauses' (clauses in the
contract that allow you to back out) if you need
If you think you will benefit on the back end
somehow or be able to ride an appreciation wave,
good luck to you. I like to know that I have my
profit built in from the beginning.
3. Don't Wait Until You Are an Expert
If you buy a house cheap enough, you allow
Before Starting
yourself a lot more options. Small setbacks and
unexpected expenses shouldn’t cause you to los e
Many people don't ever feel
ready to start taking action.
They buy course after course
and just keep studying away
Sometimes they justify it by
thinking they need to learn all of
the different buying techniques
so that they can profit from
several different situations.
Here's a huge tip:
You will
never become an expert until
you take action and actually do it.