So as a real estate investor investors in my market now
you need to be able to adjust from outside the state.
to wholesale them.
I started out as a wholesaler
to the market conditions as
they change. Be in properties If you are a newbie to the many years ago and still do
that have exit strategies that investing arena it’s going to be it today. What I like about it
work for you now. You may tough, however there are ways is I did not need any money
also consider opening an IRA to get paid. You will first need to get it done. Keep in mind
to wholesale, sell, or buy to know all you can about if the market does bust then
rentals & notes with. Then you real estate investing, so you the wholesale game becomes
are also building your wealth may need to get some the best exit strategy ever,
for the future. Typically with an training. You are going to again!
IRA you are building that have to be able to move really wealth tax free. Using a Roth fast when a deal pops up. You The main thing is position
does have some real are also going to have a lot yourself so you can
advantages. of competition out there. That maneuver positively so no
is why I teach my students matter where the market
Currently my market has gone right now to stay away from list turns. If you keep your eyes
nuts. But this can work to your and focus on areas such as on the market and not so
advantage if you want to sell Probates that have not even much on the quick buck,
some inventory. Fact I am been field or petitioned for you can become very
selling a lot of my inventory, probate in the courts yet. successful at this real
and if possible I try and sell There is a lot less estate game!
owner financed with large down
payments to investors.
There seems to be a lot
of Buy & Hold
competition in Probates and
you usually can get more
Be Blessed with Success!
time to work the deal which
will help new investors be able
Jimmy V Reed
Jimmy V Reed
Jimmy V Reed of Fort Worth, Texas has been investing in real estate since
1987 and by 1991 started doing one day trainings in Wholesaling.
He then began teaching and mentoring others through out the
country. Jimmy also created several training’s used in the past by
Whitney, Rich Dad, and others. He currently is the founder of
& was cofounder of the Fort Worth club for 14 years. Now he
trains students through his company Real Estate Equity Development.
More info available at