• You may find it more cost The raised foundation is
effective to replace old, one where the property
outdated kitchen cabinets with sits on top of a
new ones. Look in your local continuous concrete
phone directory for foundation that extends
cabinetmakers and compare around the perimeter of
prices. the building. This type of
• Consider using ceramic floor
foundation does have a
tile instead of sheet goods. It crawlspace which
may be a little more allows a person to crawl
expensive, but it will pay off in under the property.
the long run. Some of the signs of
• Consider installing ceramic counter tops
instead of the formica type. Not only are they
possible foundation problems may include, but
are not limited to:
more durable, they are also more attractive to
potential renters or buyers.
• Major cracks in exterior walls
• Major cracks in interior walls
When rehabbing, some of the areas to focus • Doors and windows operating improperly
your attention are: • Floors not level
• Foundation If the subject property shows signs of possible
Plumbing system foundation trouble, and if the profit potential is
Electrical system great enough, have a foundation expert take a
Roofing look at it before you make a commitment to
Interior walls purchase.
Exterior walls
Plumbing Systems
Water flows to your property from the serving
utility company through a water meter, usually
The two most common types of residential located at the front property line. In very cold
foundations are the concrete slab, and the climates this meter may be located inside the
raised foundation. Properties that are built on a house. The main shutoff valve to the property
concrete slab are secured by anchor bolts protruding should be mounted above grade, and can usually
from the concrete. Also, they have no crawl space be found near the front of the property on the
to allow a person to get under the property. same pipe as the outdoor faucet.