Whether or not you intend to have a global brand,
because of the internet you can be found by
everyone. It’s no longer optional to build a brand
for your business. In most cases, you will be the
brand in our business.
Where Does Branding Count?
It counts everywhere people have contact with you
whether that’s on your website, social media, on
Remember, that all your marketing has to touch your marketing pieces or even in the way present
people in some way that makes them take action. yourself when you’re networking. Your goal should
Whether that is to call you, to fill out a form on be to build a consistent presence both online and
your website or take some other action, once they offline.
have found you, what exactly is it that they will
You need to ask yourself these
• What makes you special?
• How have you branded yourself so that
you are memorable?
• What makes people think you are the
authority in your field?
• The big questions is why should they
choose YOU? What makes you different
than your competitors?
Here’s a little exercise for you. Google yourself and
see what comes up. Having nothing come up can
be as bad as having something negative come up.
How Do You Build a Rock Solid
You can do that many ways. However one of the
best ways is through content marketing. and I’m
going to talk about that in my next article. I want
you to be clear on one thing; you don’t have to write
a single article to create great content. There are
other ways to create content and that’s what I will
go over next time.
You must be able to answer these questions
before you can really build a brand that stands out I also have a free “Brand Assessment Guide” that
from all the rest. Remember that marketing is how you can get over on my blog. So be sure to stop by
you get leads, and your branding is why they the Louisville Gals Real Estate Blog and get your
choose YOU. free copy. It’s a great way to see where you are
now, and what steps you can take to create a brand
Yikes! My Marketing
isn’t Working!
that leaves your competition in the dust.