• Craig’s list, Zillow etc.
• Calling expired listing
think about
that for a
You’ve just dropped
a chunk of cash
sending out direct mail
campaigns that are pretty
much getting you zero
results. One of the main
marketing isn’t
working is a statement
reasons for that is most
likely because you have
completely neglected to
that I hear just about every build a brand. There are
week. When I start to ask also a couple of other
people about their branding, reasons what we will go
I always get the same over in a minute.
surprised look. Then that
person usually says
Taking Stock
something like, “I’ll worry
about branding when my When your marketing isn’t
marketing is on track”. working, the first step is to
take stock of everything you
I have to tell you, that’s not are doing. What are all of
how it works. Branding and your marketing activities?
marketing go hand in hand, List them all out.
and you need to be working
on both things simultaneously.
Think of it this way:
Marketing is how you get leads.
Branding is what makes them
choose YOU.
They might include:
Direct mail
• Or anyone of a dozen
other strategies
Then, ask yourself
these 3 questions.
1. Am I marketing consistently?
2. Am I targeting the right
group of people?
3. What is it I should be
doing that I’m not doing?
(You know what that is.)
No judgement here, but
you do have to own where
you are to get where you
want to go.
Once you have listed out all
your marketing activities, be
honest and list the exact
frequency of those marketing
activities. List everything you
are doing whether it is daily,
weekly, monthly or some
other frequency.
If you have big gaps in your
frequency, I can almost
promise you that’s one of the
problems. Marketing cannot
be a hit or miss thing.
Bandit signs
Consistency is one of the
Websites (you must have
a website)
keys to generating a steady
stream of leads.
Yikes! My Marketing isn’t Working!