REI WEALTH MONTHLY Issue 44 | Page 56

8 . Managing Your Fears


When you relate this principle to your real estate business , your plateau becomes a comfy little haven where you ’ ll find yourself sitting and relaxing . You might eat a sandwich , read a book , or listen to the radio . You might be so comfortable that you decide to spend the night , or the week , or the month , or the rest of your life .
Since you have your momentum going in the right direction , go with the flow . If you apply the Peak To Peak Principle to your real estate business , you can get to your goals a lot faster .
I THINK WE ’ VE JUST FOUND THE SECRET TO GETTING RICH !! It ’ s a matter of learning these and other ‘ wealth­building ’ principles and using discipline to operate my real estate business under those principles . For the first time , I can see the how of getting rich !
Having the scientific type mind that I have , that just made this revelation even more powerful . I can actually see in my mind ’ s eye exactly how I ’ m going to get rich !! I floated around on cloud 9 for a long time after that . As a matter of fact , I ’ ve never come down , and I never will . It ’ s almost like having a ‘ secret weapon ’ that most other investor don ’ t know much about . Learning and using the wealthbuilding principles can give you the edge over your competitors .

8 . Managing Your Fears

Every human being on the face of the planet has experienced fear in some form or another . I ’ d even be willing to bet you that every animal , insect , rodent , and every winged creature as well , has experienced fear . Fear definitely has a useful place in our lives . It ’ s purpose is as a early warning system . To alert us about possible dangers so that we can modify our path and create a solution to eliminate the danger . Fear was never meant to scare us into non­action .
Here ’ s an interesting idea . I believe that there is a purpose for every living creature on earth . Beavers build dams , humans solve problems . If you take a careful look around , you ’ ll see a whole lot of stuff that was created by the human species . If you look deeper , you ’ ll find that the purpose of each one of these inventions was to solve a problem .
8 Simple Steps To Riches In Real Estate Or In Any Other Field , For That Matter