What about Your Website?
Your first paragraph of each page should
accomplish the same thing as your other
marketing pieces. Don’t assume they are
going spend time going over your
website and all the options you offer.
They just want to know what to do next
to solve their problem.
This means that the placement of your contact form is critical. It
should always be located above the fold (on the top half of the
Using Social Media
to Help You Create
Effective Marketing
Social media is great for
helping you get the word out
If your CTA is “contact us so we can buy your house”, providing about your business, your
them with multiple ways to contact you is important. I can tell you services and your products.
this; they aren’t going to search for your contact information so The fact that you can share
make it easy for them to contact you. This is one case where you everything to such a large
want them to have a choice. Not everyone will want to call you, and audience (generally for free)
some people won’t be comfortable filling out an online form. can’t be beat.
Give them options. Contact us: You spend a lot of time to
create effective marketing,
• By phone but it’s of no value unless
• Fill out the convenient form on the right side of the page people know about it. Set up
• Email me at [email protected]. social media profiles on the
major social networks. Once
that is done, you can share
information easily which will
start to build your brand.
How to Create More Effective Marketing