6 Reasons You Should Start Journaling Now
1 .
Journaling clears your mind which leads to better focus .
Over time , our brains get clogged up with details . There are things we need to do , things we should have done ( and didn ’ t ), projects , plans , emotions and more . Remember that tenant that is driving you crazy or the house you should have gotten under contract but you botched the offer ?
Carrying all this stuff around weighs us down , and it takes our attention off our business .
David Allen wrote the book “ Getting Things Done ”. In his book he suggest that we periodically do a brain dump . I personally think you need to do this on a regular basis . How often you need to do it will be an individual decision . In general when you ’ re feeling overwhelmed , it ’ s probably time .
Doing a brain dump is also a way to begin your journaling experience .
In another one of my favorite books “ Double Your Income doing What You Love ”, Raymond Aaron talks about cleaning up your “ messes ”. He is referring not only to physical messes , but to all the things AKA “ messes ” in your mind that take your concentration away from your business .
Action Step : It ’ s time to do a brain dump . Write down every unfinished or halffinished task , project or idea you haven ’ t gotten around to . Get them out of your head and onto paper . Once you do that , you will have the framework for a plan of action .
6 Ways Journaling Will Make You a Better Real Estate Investor