So how are you going to find these sellers and how should you market to them? As a real estate
investor, you have lots of choices. You can use classified ads, flyers, the internet, signage, websites,
business cards, billboards, radio and TV ads and direct mail.
business cards
classified ads
direct mail
TV ads
You should pick at least three One of the first things you need seller who is either flexible on
to five ways to market your to do is to identify your market, the price of the property or on
business. Put them to work for deciding where you want to buy the terms of the sale. If a seller
you simultaneously in order to and what types of properties wants full price and all cash for
promote your business and interest you. Then develop a a property, it’s almost
draw as many different sellers marketing plan that fits your impossible for you as the
to you within your market. You personal needs and budget. investor to make a good deal.
must begin to understand a This way, you eliminate the The investor who wants to help
seller’s motivation for selling a need to call sellers; you want people and make money should
property in the first place. This them to call you first. be looking for a seller who is
is going to be important for you
flexible on the terms of the sale.
because if you try and reach Marketing is a numbers game, Many of the people I send
sellers in only one way, and the more leads come in, the direct mail to practically beg me
you don’t find a property in a more opportunities you have to to take their properties off their
relatively short period of time, make deals. You won’t buy hands for a variety of reasons.
you may become discouraged every deal that comes your These are the kinds of
and quit. You really don’t want way, but when you develop a motivated sellers you want to
to do this, trust me. There is machine that you can control be dealing with.
more business out there than that brings in quality leads, you can imagine! Accept the you’ll be able to pick and fact that you’ll need to do more choose the kinds of deals you than lay some flyers and hope want to do. As a real estate some motivated sellers call you. investor, you need to find a
the Secrets
of Marketing
To Motivated Sellers