Several years ago, I attended
my first real estate seminar
and decided this was the
business for me. I could do
it in my own time and at my
own pace and make great
money. Considering I was
still working a full time job at
the time, this seemed to be
just the scenario I was
looking for. One of the
things they taught us in
those seminars was that
finding truly motivated
sellers was going to be the
cornerstone to this business
because without motivated
sellers there simply are no
deals to be made.
After spending a number of years in sales prior to
becoming a real estate entrepreneur, I knew that when the prospect contacts you first, you have a much
better chance of making a good deal. At the time I didn’t have a lot of money to work with and needed to
make every marketing dollar count.
I discovered the same theory applied to working with motivated sellers. A motivated seller is the key to all
good deals, and if they contact you first, this significantly increases your opportunity to make a profitable
deal. There are lots of opportunities for those who want to find sellers, and some are more labor intensive
and time consuming than others. Learning to influence motivated sellers to contact you first will increase
your profits immensely, help you make better deals and most importantly save you valuable time.
the Secrets
of Marketing
To Motivated Sellers