Having a solid 20 years in and around real For most single young women the language barrier
estate myself, I found Laura to be a true – not to mention the gender politics and culture
anomaly, in the best sense of the word. She’s shock of such a migration – might have been
remarkably unexpected. Just when you thought overwhelming. But Laura recognized so many
you’ve figured her out, she pulls another rabbit opportunities and took advantage of everything that
out of her hat. Ideas run rampant when you’re came her way.
around Laura – yet she’s humble enough to
listen to you as well, and her energy is palpable.
As a rule, newcomers to the Hawaiian Islands aren’t
always welcomed with open arms; they go through a
Her students are devoted, and call her ‘the Real ‘rites of passage’ period until deemed worthy of trust
Deal.’ So, what makes Laura stand out in the and friendship. But Laura was bright and engaging
crowd of trainers and coaches across our and adept at uncovering what isn’t always obvious
country? How did she find the resilience and to everyone else. She had nothing to prove, except
drive to make something out of nothing, and bad to herself; it was a good fit from the start.
times into way more than merely bearable? Her
story is one ‘for the books.’ Read on, and I’m For Laura, these few years in Hawaii would prove to
sure you’ll agree… be fortuitous; the perfect launch pad for the 30year
journey she was destined to take. Ambitious and
determined to have a good life for herself and her
family to come, Laura hit the ground running – and
never looked back.
Of course, college wasn’t an option…
It was a NECESSITY, to the future Laura knew she
deserved. Enrolled in Hawaii Pacific University, she
would earn a Bachelor of Science in Business
Administration. Getting an education 4 miles from
Hawaiians call it ‘Just off the Boat’
Waikiki might have been a major distraction for most
people. But real estate caught her eye, and right
Imagine immigrating in 1985 to America from Italy
at the age of 21, barely able to speak English.
Sure, it was beautiful, but then Laura Alamery was
used to scenic surroundings – born and raised in
stunning Vicenza, just 40 miles from the Adriatic
Sea, and Venice.
away she realized it could help to pay for school.