When you think about building a retirement for yourself consider the SelfDirected IRA .
When it comes to investing in Real Estate , the SelfDirected IRA allows many ways to do this :
• Residential real estate , including : apartments , single family homes , and duplexes
• Commercial real estate
• Undeveloped or raw land
• REITs ( Real Estate Investment Trusts )
• Real estate notes ( mortgages and deeds of trusts )
• Promissory notes
• Private limited partnerships , limited liability companies , and C corporations
• Tax lien certificates
Take Joe for example . Joe retired from his employer at the age of 50 . It was a forced retirement because the company was restructuring . He spent 20 years at his previous employer putting aside 15 % of his annual earnings . Now that he was “ retired ” Joe decided to become a real estate agent .
He noticed his own IRA was losing money and putting this money into a selfdirected IRA was something that made sense to him . Joe says , “ It gave a monthly boost to my IRA account through the rent money . Plus it gave me equity growth . As a selfemployed person , it has given me a small glimpse of security into my retirement age . Whenever that will be .”
Right now and for the next decade tenthousand baby boomers will reach age 65 every day ! The average account value for Americans 55 to 64 years old is $ 103,000 . You have to ask yourself is that is going to be enough to sustain you through your retirement years ?