Where To Find Tax Lien Certificates
Advantages of Tax Lien Certificate investing
According to county treasurers across the United States , 95 to 97 percent of all property owners pay the delinquent tax in 24 months or less . It ' s rare that a property owner fails to redeem ( pay ) the Tax Lien Certificate , but it does happen , nationwide , every year there are thousands of buyers who end up with property for only the cost of back taxes which they purchased at a tax defaulted auction . In a subsequent article , I ’ ll have more about tax defaulted property auctions , meanwhile , if the property owner fails to pay taxes , the tax lien certificate holder is awarded the property in exchange for paying the taxes , the county or municipality sends the tax lien certificate purchaser a deed , giving them the fee simple right to keep or sell the real estate .
Where To Find Tax Lien Certificates
Where can you find tax lien certificates that are up for auction ? Local governments compile a list of delinquent property owners on a regular basis . This list can be found in one of three places : published by the newspaper , published online , or a printed list available directly from the government office . When you obtain the list , you can also get instructions and the date of the next auction of tax lien certificates .
To review , only two things may occur if you purchase a tax lien certificate . Number 1 , the property owner gets their act together and redeems the certificate , that is they pay the certificate and when they pay you ’ ll receive all the money you invested plus a high interest rate which could be 16 , 18 , up to 36 %. Number 2 , the property owner continues the default and does not pay and the time limit runs out and you end up with the property free and clear . The mortgage is wiped out by an act of law , that is , the mortgage is extinguished by law in every state and every county in America .
Advantages of Tax Lien Certificate investing
Tax lien certificates pay interest rates up to 16 %, 18 %, 24 % even 36 % depending on the county where you purchase , each county has its own rules and amounts they pay . Conservative investors really like tax lien certificates because they are passive investments with very low risk . In short , they are predictable , certain and secure . Watch for more details in the future …
Ted Thomas
Ted Thomas is famous for showing newcomers and investors how to earn 6 figure incomes within 1 year of completing his training program . Conservative investors love tax lien certificates because they are predictable , certain and secure and sold by local government . Tax defaulted properties are sold at oral big auctions and online . Starting bid , only the back taxes …. More information at TedThomas . com