Create Your Secret Sauce
Individuals in your mastermind group also should be from different parts of the country . You don ’ t want to be sharing your ideas and the specifics of your business with your competitor down the block . It ’ s very important that you can be completely transparent with the members of your group or they won ’ t be able to help you . These people will become your biggest source of new ideas , and your biggest cheer leaders . They can also shorten your learning curve dramatically if you have the right mix of skills in your group .
Every mastermind group should have a leader that facilitates the conversation . We have a format that is a roundtable . We begin with each person having “ their time ” to give a summary of what they have been doing . Each person would usually have about 15 minutes or possibly longer if they are experiencing some type of problem . Our call generally lasts 1 ½ 2 hours and it is on the second Tuesday of each month in the evening . It is important to make this “ appointment ” with your mastermind group a priority . You need to show up on time and be prepared .
The final question that is asked of each person during the roundtable is , “ Is there anything we can help you with ”? We have 6 people in our group which I believe is ideal . If you have too many members , you won ’ t get the same benefit from the group .
Create Your Secret Sauce
This Year I hope you will make it your goal this year to find additional mentors to help you grow your business . Decide in advance what you can give back . Find an accountability partner and either join a mastermind group or start your own . Remember , you just have to ask .