Non MLS Investing in SoCal
By JJ Nocco
Whether you Buy & Hold or Buy & Flip, as investors our priority is finding Great Real Estate, in a Hot Area for reasonable prices so we can do
business with it. This usually means investing out of our local areas or out of state which brings its own set of problems. Traditionally
acquiring Foreclosures and Auction Real Estate in SoCal was always risky and expensive due to investor bidding wars and real estate agents
driving up costs.
Now, we have changed the game!
For the last several years, our longstanding banking and mortgage relationships have allowed us to cherry pick non MLS properties in Hot
SoCal areas of our choosing at max cost of about 70% with no competition. Yes, we can access individual properties not buy a tape of mixed,
good, bad and ugly properties. After selecting what we want, we work up a detailed improvement plan to maximize resale value, then we
have our tried and true contractors handle all the improvements to our specifications. We are growing and are offering you the opportunity
to join us.
We are seeking JV Partners who meet the following qualifications:
Minimum $50,000.00 or more plus 1 X 10% Agent Fee*
Minimum term of 12 months
As our JV Partner you are able to evaluate our available inventory meeting your investment level. If you are in the local area, you can visit and walk
thru various properties (if not in the area, we have video tours coming soon). You are free to review the planned improvements via our detailed
scope of work outlines including the APR projection. When you select your property, your funds are deposited in escrow and your name is on title
with us securing your investment. We are completely transparent with our JV partners and you can visit your property anytime during the remodel.
We also partner with a couple of realtors who have a pipeline or prequalified buyers looking for a new home and work closely with them to
promote our almost completed JV projects. With this turn key system in place we are able to we are able to modify and move properties quickly
and keep you, our investors, happy and prosperous.
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