REI Wealth Monthly Issue 17 | Page 52

OVERVIEW OF ASIA FOR GLOBAL PROPERTY INVESTORS (PART1) ZIV MAGEN an overview, and a brief and lacking one at that. My personal Asian niche’, as outlined in previous articles in the series, is Japan – as for the rest of the countries in this list – you’ll have to dig in deeper yourselves. Fortunately, however, the increasing trend of globalization now means that, in the vast majority of cases, there are now English resources and English-speaking professionals on the ground in all of these countries for you to take advantage of and partner with. And if you’ve been following the Add to Singapore’s Hong-Kong’s excellent material outlined in this magazine and increasingly recognizable status as two of the other similar resources on and off line, you should be world’s top financial hubs, the skyrocketing rise of well equipped, as far as due diligence and deal South that, Korea’s and technological and financial achievements, India and Russia’s stellar economic analysis skills go, and be ready to, literally, take on the world. growth, and you’ll begin to see why mutual and hedge funds, high net worth families and global asset managers are expanding their financial footprint in Asia. But, “simple folk” are also expanding their financial footprint into Asia. People like you and me, your next door neighbors, the retired and semi-retired “mom and dad” type investors, as well as young and 1. Singapore savvy professionals and entrepreneurs from all walks of The best thing about Singapore is that it’s one of the life. world’s most regulated and corruption-free environments. In similar fashion to Japan, you’d And for those among us, like the readers of this publication, who value real-estate vehicles as an have to work really hard to find someone who’d dare to steal from you here. The city-state has done a