After a few years of learning the language, and
I consider my "Unlimited Funding" model to be the
going to a school, I finally got a decent job, but
ultimate model. Sure I'm biased, but it is the only
seven months later I lost my job due to downsizing.
model that gives you the profit now, the cash flow,
the benefit from loan paydown and appreciation, plus
Then, after working for Sony in San Diego for 11
the tax savings... without dealing with tenants. I only
months, I lost my job again due to downsizing.
flip properties that come my way and don't fit that
This was the time I realized that no matter how
great the company you work for may be, there's no
Tell us about your Unlimited Funding
job security. I was disappointed, and very stressed
Program, what is it?
out looking for another job... and during that time,
out of desperation I purchased a real estate course
called "No Money Down" while watching a late
night infomercial. It was hard to comprehend the
techniques, but as you know, that started the
change and the rest is history. That was back in
1997, and a few years later I went full time in Real
Estate and been having a blast ever since.
I had no money when I started, and my credit was
non-existent, so I had to come up with a method to
profit without it. I was smart enough to quickly realize
that flipping houses would never give me the passive
income I was after. There was no leverage, no cash
flow, no appreciation benefit, plus the small profits
realized by flipping are highly taxed. I knew I had to
What type of real estate do you like best?
Flipping, Buy and Hold, Wholesaling??
own properties to create real wealth. That's how I
perfected the strategies that today I call "Unlimited
Funding". It made me a millionaire, so I consider it
the BEST way to invest in real estate.