Keep Marketing! Even when all of your properties are filled, never stop marketing. Stay in contact with
anyone who looked at a property but didn’t take it. It’s important to have a list of prospects anytime a property
becomes available as this can dramatically cut down vacancy times. You will have more properties come
available and you will need more tenants.
Finally, make sure your house is available to show at anytime. Consider a lock box on the door
so you can give out the code when someone is there and ready to view it. This puts you ahead of others who
only show when it’s convenient for them. If it’s difficult to schedule an appointment, prospects will move onto
the next home and the chances with them are lost. Be accommodating. Make your house is readily available.
Number one way to keep your properties filled. The number one way to keep your properties filled is
to keep your current residents happy. Don’t lose the tenants you already have. Communicate, be available,
care. Be the landlord you would want to have so your customers not only stay longer, but also refer you to all of
their friends and family. Your satisfied current customers are the best marketing tool you’ll ever have.
Author: Karen Rittenhouse
Karen Rittenhouse has been investing in real estate full time since January 2005. In that time,
she has purchased hundreds of single family properties, opened a full-service real estate
company, a property management company, a coaching/training business, and written three
books on real estate, The Essential Handbook for Buying a Home, The Essential Handbook for
Selling a Home, and The Essential Handbook for Landlords.