REI Wealth Monthly Issue 09 | Page 13

HAVE YOU COVERED YOUR A$$ETS? BILL WALSTON Separate your assets. is contract (like taking out a loan). Although you unfortunate, lawsuits are a reality and effective were not there when the deal was made, as a asset protection has to address the potential fallout general partner you will be responsible. of these lawsuits. Whether it’s a rental property, a today’s litigious society, it’s a high-risk way of restaurant, or something else, segregate your risk. doing business. Don’t do it!! Although it In Consider creating a separate corporate or limited liability entity for each liability generating asset or Properly insure yourself against loss. group of assets. matter how confident you feel about your asset No protection plan, good insurance is an absolute For example, if you own several income producing necessity, rental properties, you should consider separating homeowners’ policy and everything in between. the properties into two or more limited liability Under-insuring leaves you and your assets at companies and form yet another entity as the risk. from car insurance to your commercial operation for property management. If you own a portfolio of liquid investments like stocks, bonds, options, or commodities, you should hold them in their own entity. Consider Uncle Sam. Nothing can shrink your assets faster or have a greater impact on your wealth accumulation than the dreaded Also, never mix liability generating assets. For example, an apartment house should not be owned by the same entity that owns a restaurant. income tax. The entities you select to hold your assets should provide not only liability protection, but also tax protection. By separating your assets, you limit your risk to only the one entity. Avoid general partnerships. In this form of business, you’re personally liable for all debts or other business liabilities the partnership incurs. General partnerships allow each partner a great deal of authority over one another. If you are in a general partnership, your partner can make major decisions and agreements on behalf of the partnership without consulting you, regardless of what your partnership agreement may state. Any general partner can commit the partnership (and hence every other general partner) to any legal A flashy lifestyle is like chum in the water to lawsuit-happy lawyers and litigants