REI Wealth Monthly Issue 09 | Page 12

HAVE YOU COVERED YOUR A$$ETS? BILL WALSTON f you are a real estate investor, you need to cover your assets. If you own a business, you need to cover your assets. If you own a home, you need to cover your assets. Let’s face it folks, if you have some money and assets saved up, you need protection. Asset Protection is not just for the super rich! Many of us view asset protection as the playground of the super rich. In reality, we should emulate the super rich and use the same tools and strategies they use to not only create wealth, but to keep it as well. Here are a few tips to get you started..... Keep a low profile. Though it is not something we like to think about, the good old USA is one of the most litigious countries in the world, and people file frivolous lawsuits every day. A flashy lifestyle is like chum in the water to lawsuit-happy lawyers and litigants. If people think you are “asset rich,” your chance of being sued skyrockets. However, they are less likely to file a lawsuit against you if they don’t think you have the money to pay a settlement. One way to lower your profile is to not title your assets directly in your own name. Instead, use trusts, limited liability companies, family foundations, or other asset holding entities.