REI Wealth Monthly Issue 04 | Page 38

THE NON-PERFORMING JUNIOR LIEN GORDON MOSS This lender once had a borrower that he knew personally over the years call and tell him that he had a medical issue and would not be able to pay the $300/month loan. The lender tells him “thank you for calling, as we discussed. Tell me what’s happening”. The borrower explains that because of his upcoming medical procedure, he will be off work for the next three months. So, the lender asks him “Can you pay $75 a month for the next four months? (This lender understands how important it is to keep his borrowers in a rhythm of paying monthly)”. The borrower says “Absolutely I could do that”. “Then that is what we will do”, says the lender. “This will keep you current on your payments until you are back at work, and we will add the remaining balance to the end of your loan”. Would or could a bank provide this type of solution? I very much doubt it. A human being can bring solutions that a bank cannot. Asset Management vs. Loan Servicing of Evaluating a non-performing junior lien is a bit unique – the three most important factors might be the “borrower, borrower, and borrower” Junior Liens Let’s talk about loan servicing. Years of experience in this field have taught me that no one cares more about your money and investments than you. I had hoped that my real job was to acquire these “broken” loans and that I could turn the loans over to the loan servicing pros and they would solve all of my problems and make me rich. It doesn’t work that way. Let me say that again. It doesn’t work that way. A loan servicer can be used to collect payments once the loan is re-performing. I know several pros that get their loans to a re-performing status and then turn them over to a loan servicer. They quickly take them back at the first sign of a problem and leverage the relationship they have established with the borrower to get them back on track. Asset managers are the people that have the experience and expertise to fix a broken and non-paying loan. This skill is one that is very har d to find and I would recommend that you plan on mastering this skill yourself if you plan to be successful in this business. The asset management of turning a non-performing broken loan into a re-performer is the real magic of this business. It starts with a diplomatic and professional approach to making contact with a borrower who in many