REI Wealth Monthly Issue 02 | Page 58

INTERNATIONAL PROPERTY INVESTING BASICS (PART 1) ZIV MAGEN If, on the other hand, you're a geeky, pencil pushing, "put it down in writing", tax-paying, spread-sheet analyzing, bowtie sporting smart ass (like me), these north European countries will feel like heaven to you. Whereas, the hot and steamy lands of the south European and Mediterranean-bordering countries of the continent would probably drive you to a nervous breakdown or financial ruin. In my case, as a mostly Asia-Pacific oriented property investor, the exact same applies. I'd go for Singapore, Hong-Kong, Australia and New-Zealand any day of the week. Countries where realtors are bound by strict licensing and regulation requirements, where governments act clearly, decisively and transparently and where haggling, deal-mining, discounting and joint venturing - which certainly exist, as they do anywhere in the world - are backed by a legal paper trail leading all the way to Mars and back. In similar fashion, I'd steer as clear as I possibly can of China, India, Indonesia or Pakistan, to name but a few. I'm simply not that type of person. I get goose bumps when I hear the words "let's shake on it" or "leave it to me". I shiver at the suggestion of "let's keep this between us". I develop a rash when someone advises me that "they know someone who can make the problem go away". It's just the way I am, for better and worse. This is also why Japan, of all the countries in the Asia-Pacific region, and probably the world, appeals to me so much. Not only is it strictly regulated, fully documented, completely compliant and severely monitored by government agencies and professional organizations - it's also possessed by the harshest, most unforgiving, toughest type of enforcement possible - cultural tradition. And while, of course, power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely, regardless of country, traditional and cultural frameworks - the vast majority of us property investors, let's face it, are not Trumps, Buffets, Sadam Husseins or Gengis Khans. We're the just above average, slightly savvy, slightly affluent, more than slightly innovative "average Joes" of the world, and we deal with the likes of ourselves. And in Japan, the average Joes (or "Mr. and Mrs. Watanabe", as we're known here), are the most honest, straight forward, polite and conflict averse individuals one can find anywhere on this planet. So, if you're a smooth talking, back room dealing, from-the-hip-shooting type, you may want to skip this particular series of articles. Japan just isn't the place for you. In fact, if you'll try that approach here you'll quickly find yourself isolated, shunned and generally avoided like the plague. If, however, you're the type of person who finds a deep bow, a code of honor, religious attention to each and every minute detail and mutual respect as appealing as I do, you may want to stick around. You might have just hit the jackpot in the land of the rising sun, which also happens to be the world's third largest economy, and Asia-Pacific's largest realestate investment market.