REI Wealth Monthly Issue 02 | Page 56

INTERNATIONAL PROPERTY INVESTING BASICS (PART 1) ZIV MAGEN I'm personally familiar with at least one company that runs an online store that manufactures in the Philippines, from ingredients purchased, prepared and shipped from China, runs the business from a comfortable home office in Australia, and sells mostly to the USA- with revenues that have exceeded the first net million dollars in just under three years of operations. In sharp contrast to what one might expect, however- the entire permanent staff of this company consists of its founders and t's a unified world economy we live in these owners- a married couple in their late forties. days, no doubt about it. A typical global-spanning Considering the considerable profits and minute corporation might establish their headquarters in overhead involved in this ingenious operation, their Singapore for tax purposes, get their cheap labor in India for cost-reduction purposes, manufacture in China for mass-manufacturing purposes, then sell to clients in Northern Europe for profit purposes. And, in the not-so-distant past, this type of evil conglomerate structure was only possible for the filthy rich, tax-evading, lawless and faceless elite of the worlds’ worst billionaire types. These days, lifestyle (and international mileage, in which they partake on a fairly frequent and regular basis) has quickly evolved to first-class, as could be expected. This type of success of course comes as a result of innovation, creative problem solving and a hell of a lot of hard work. But, the point is that it can, and IS regularly done in ever increasing droves, around the globe. thanks to the Internet, international tax treaties, foreign incorporation laws and virtual office services, your next door teenage neighbor might be doing it, International property investing, of course, is no different. making more money than his mom and dad could ever dream of in the process. In theory, at least.