REI Wealth Monthly Issue 02 | Page 53

WHAT IS “GREENHABBING” AND WHY SHOULD YOU CARE? ERIC N. GEORGE reenhabbing or green rehabbing (ecofriendly, energy-efficient, sustainable, etc) means taking older homes and renovating them so that they are well-insulated and air-sealed, have high-efficiency HVAC equipment, manage moisture and water drainage properly, and feature some sustainable aspects, such as recycled materials used in flooring or cabinets/counter tops, etc. If you’re an investor and in the business of rehabbing or renovating properties, you have a huge opportunity to not only increase the beauty, functionality, and character of the properties you buy, but also the health & safety, comfort, durability, and energy-efficiency as well. “Remember this; fiberglass insulation does NOT stop airmovement, it filters it!” Will greenhabbing a home cost you a little more up front? Yes, it can, but not always, and keep in mind that research has shown that savvy buyers are willing to pay a small premium for homes that incorporate these aspects into them.