REI Wealth Monthly Issue 02 | Page 5

SO YOU WANT TO BE A LANDLORD? BILL WALSTON o you want to be a landlord? You’re not alone. The temptation for would-be investors is strong: Thanks foreclosures, to record short sales, numbers of bank-owned properties and homeowners in distress, prices on all shades of real estate are low and getting lower. And what could be better than earning money each month while someone else pays for your property? You may think now is the good time to snag an investment property or two and rent them out, and you may be right! But with all investments, there is some risk involved. Avoiding these newbie mista ?\??[[\??B?[?\??[??\???X??\???)????\?S]?\?Y?[??[?\??[?[??\?Y\?????[??\?]X?[?^H\?[?H?[??[???Y?[?[??[????^Z[???[?[??\?Y\?X^B??Y[HZ?HH?X]YXK???]?\?H??[B?\?[?H?[[?]?\?Y?H[?\??[??]?[?B?[?H?\????\?YX[??[?H?[?H[??H?Y\????\?[?H]?HH?X?[??K??[?^X?Y??\?HXZ[?[?[??K?]H[???HYX\?[?H??[???H??]Y?[?B??Y\??[?\????YX?X?B??[?B??^[??\??[??Y?K^\?[?[??\?[??JH]??[?B?[? L H?[?\?[??[? ???