REI Wealth Monthly Issue 02 | Page 30

HAPPY ENDINGS: THE UNADVERTISED BONUS OF INVESTING IN DISCOUNTED NOTES DAWN RICKABAUGH When you make a private loan, the returns can be • Note investor’s desired yield: 12% very solid, as you saw above, but there is usually • Investor will buy the note for: $56,861.20 (72% no surprise upside (unless you end up foreclosing of the balance) and owning a property you want). • With private, discounted, seller carry back notes, If the note investor receives $587.01 for the next you can buy at yields that match those available 29 years, then they will have made 12% on their through private lending (8% - 15%), but be money. But what happens if the property is sold or happily refinanced at year 7, which is statistically likely? increases surprised when that yield greatly Discount: 28% with early payoff, or a creative Here’s an example… • Note balance at year 7: $73,982.16 • modification that the Payor happily agrees to. Note investor receives: $587.01 for 6 years • Note investor receives a balloon payment in 6 years: $73,982.16 Transaction where property was sold with owner • Yield to investor: 15.46% financing: And, as with private lending, if you’ve done a good • Sales price: $100,000 job of underwriting the borrower and the collateral, • Down payment ???H?^Y\?? ? ??[?H????\?H??[?\?[?\?][?H??[[????(????\????H[?YY??\??  ??\??[??H L ??\?H??H?X?H[?B???(???[?\?\??]N? B??ZY??H??H M? ?K?? ???X???\?H?Y\?K????(???\?N? ?[?? ?YX\??B???(???[?H^[Y[?? N ? B??H?Hx?&]?H[??\?Y[?H?^?HH??????\???[?\??[??\?H\?H[???X\?\?\????[??X?[??\?HH?[\?X?X??YK[??KZ?\????HY ???[?[??X[H[?\???[K???B??????[???\]ZY]HH??H ?[]???\? H??[\??\?[??[?\??[??]HX?[]H?[??\?[???YY]??YH?\??[?[??X[??X?]?N?????\?H[?\\????Y?H[???Y?]\??????(?????H?[[??N? ?K ??K?? Y?\? L?^[Y[???]?H?Y[?XYJB???(?????H[??\???&\?X^[][HU? [??\?Y[? ]?B??[??\?H8?'?X[8?'HX???^K[?XZ?H?\?B???[YJN? ?IH? ?K ???(???]8?&\?[?[\?[?\?????HX?\?]H?\??[?\?x?&\?H???Y?[???\?]???Z\???\?[???^[Y[???[XZ[?[?? ? ?8?$? L?[?XYB???]\?[Y[? ???ZY B??