REI Wealth Monthly Issue 02 | Page 46

HOW TO INVEST ‘SUBJECT TO’ AND OVERCOME THE ‘DUE ON SALE’ CLAUSE MATT THERIAULT Hopefully, I’ve been able to clear the air a bit and dispel some myths around how to invest ‘subject to’ and overcome the “due on sale” clause. It’s an awesome strategy to have in your tool belt, but it does you no good unless you actually use it. I’m assuming you are now armed with enough information about ‘subject to’ and the “due on sale” clause that you can make an educated decision for yourself whether this is a strategy for you, or not. Matt Theriault Matt Theriault has worked as a full-time real estate professional since 2003 and is host of the popular iTunes Podcast, “Epic Real Estate Investing”. Matt shares his insight, investing system and gives back through his free real estate investing course and the Epic Pro Coaching. Download Matt’s Free Real Estate Investing Course at Learn more about how wealth is created and how taxes (your biggest expense in life) can be virtually eliminated legally, ethically, morally and even with the government’s blessing by visiting