REI Wealth Monthly Issue 01 | Page 39

5 MISTAKES EVERY REAL ESTATE INVESTOR SHOULD AVOID FRANK GALLINELLI you inaccurate results. But even if you use a professionally created tool like RealData’s Real “The mistake that I see far too often is a failure to apply common sense.” Estate Investment Analysis software, you are still not immune to the classic “garbage in, garbage out” syndrome. The mistake that I see far too often is a failure to apply common sense. For example: throughout the entire model. Unfortunately, I often see investors who then go right ahead and print • “Gee, this investment looks like it will have a 175% Internal Rate of Return. Looks good to out their reports with these errors displayed and me.” (Reality: You entered the purchase price deliver the reports to clients or lenders. as $1,000,000 instead of $10,000,000. You should have been saying to yourself, 175% Your objective in giving a report to a third party is can’t be right; what did I do wrong?) typically to try to convince the recipient to accept your point of view. You will not accomplish that if your report has uncorrected errors. • “Wow, this property shows a terrific cash flow.” (Reality: You entered the mortgage interest rate 4. What’s Wrong with This Picture? It’s the errors you overlook – the ones that don’t have nice, big, upper-case alerts like #VALUE – that can cause the greatest mischief of all; and these can be troublesome even if the analysis is for your eyes only. as 0.07% instead of 7%.) Again, results outside the norm, either much better or much worse than you would reasonably expect, are your tipoff that a mistake is lurking somewhere. It is essential that you develop the habit of examining every financial work-up – those you create, and also those that are presented to you – very closely to see if the calculations appear reasonable. It may be an unwanted and unintended side effect of the computer age that we tend to accept calculated reports at face value. Be honest: How 5. What You Don’t Know CAN Hurt You often do you sit at a restaurant with a calculator and verify the addition on your dinner check? The final item in our list of big-time mistakes goes beyond the mechanics of spreadsheets and This presumption of accuracy can be dangerous when you are evaluating a big-ticket item like a potential real estate investment. As I discussed earlier, you could have bogus formulas that give formulas and into the realm of fundamentals. You can be the most proficient creator of spreadsheet models on the planet, but if you don’t really understand the essential financial concepts that underlie real estate investment analysis, then you