REI Wealth Monthly Issue 01 | Page 31

MAKE MONEY WHILE YOU SLEEP WITHOUT TENANTS AND TOILETS CAREY BUCK Reason #1 - The ATM Business Doesn’t Require A Lot Of Time The ATM business requires so little time that you could easily fit it into your daily lives. It really doesn’t matter if you have a full time job, are a part-time real estate investor, or even invest in real estate full-time. The You could fill an ATM on the way to look at a house, on the way home from meeting with a motivated seller, or while you are out “driving for dollars.” ATM business can slide into Reason #2 - The Cash Flow From Your ATMs Can Equal Or your life perfectly. Exceed The Cash Flow From Your Rental Properties The most vital part of your You literally can make a full-time income on a part-time basis from your ATM business is keeping it ATM business. It is very realistic and common to have your $2,000 ATM loaded cash. machine generate enough passive, positive cash flow equaling or Obviously, if there is no cash exceeding the passive, positive cash flow you may receive from a $50,000, in the ATM, no one can use it $100,000 or even $150,000 rental property. up with and if no one is using your ATM then you aren’t making My rule of thumb that I give folks is to shoot for anywhere from $100 to any money. $900+ per month in positive, passive income from your ATM machine. With this said, you can understand why the Each and every ATM machine. most important part of your ATM business is loading it up This rule of thumb applies to machines that are placed in smaller to with cash. medium sized areas. Obviously, if you are placing machines in New York City or Center City Philadelphia, then it’s very realistic to assume your cash It takes exactly 1 minute and flow will be higher than $100 to $900+ per month. 10.8 seconds to load an ATM up with cash. Over time, you could quicker. probably even do 1 minute and 10.8 seconds. That’s not a lot of time. Reason #3 - You Can Make Money While Your Sleep Just as your rental properties with tenants make you money while you sleep, so will your ATM machines. You’ll even make money while on vacation or even out looking at other rental properties to purchase!