REI Wealth Monthly Issue 01 | Page 28

LEASE OPTIONS: LITTLE OR NO MONEY DOWN TECHNIQUES WENDY PATTON Wendy’s Rule about Buying on Lease Option: It is very important you only work with buyers that have an opportunity to purchase your home. I If it isn’t a Win/Win/Win for the Seller, the Investor and Tenant/Buyer then walk away from the deal. There are plenty of the deals out there where everyone can win. only accept applications from tenant/buyers I think could qualify later for a mortgage. I can’t determine for sure if they will, but a good mortgage lender can give me that advice. I recommend you work with a good mortgage The above illustration depicts a “sandwich lease company to make that determination. option.” In a sandwich the meat is in the middle. The best part of a sandwich is the meat, and you Wendy’s Ethics Rule (the investor) are in the middle of the transaction. Your reward is the meat -- the difference between Don’t commit to a lease option with potential what you paid for the home and then what you sold buyers who have no way of ever being able to it for. For example: Seller Bob lease options his qualify for a mortgage. That is being greedy and home to Investor Wendy for $150,000 at $850 a taking advantage of someone. It is not fair to the month for 3 years. Investor Wendy then would buyer. If the buyer messes up – shame on them! lease option the home to tenant buyer Sally for If you mess them up – shame on you! $180,000 and $1000 a month and only give Sally 1 year to purchase the home. In this example, Investor Wendy would have $150 a month cash flow and $30,000 in profit on the difference in the price of the home (what you paid and what you sold it for). This is a simple example in lease options, because there are so many more things that can be When doing any lease option deal it is one of my mottos that everyone must win or don’t do the deal negotiated in a deal. At this time my average profit is right around $40,000 per lease option transaction. Lease options typically turn over every 18-24 months. Depending on what part of the country you reside in the profit range should vary from $25,000 – $150,000 (Midwest to Northern California). You decide how much you need to make, and then you will know how many homes you need to lease option to achieve your goal. Not only can lease options set you up to live today but they can set you up for Future Financial Freedom (FX3) and