REI Wealth Monthly Issue 01 | Page 26

LEASE OPTIONS: LITTLE OR NO MONEY DOWN TECHNIQUES WENDY PATTON The lease option strategy gives an investor the right While lease options can build you tremendous to lease a home and also the right to purchase the wealth, they usually shouldn’t be considered a home during or before the end of the lease period. short-term investing strategy. I define a short-term An option is a contract that gives an optionee the strategy as the time that passes from the start of right to exercise a privilege – and in the case of real the transaction to completion (cashing out) being estate investing, it gives the optionee (investor) the less than one year. A classic example of this right to purchase property during a contracted would be a “rehabbing project” (fixing up a home period of time. It is a technique that involves gaining and reselling it). The other side of the spectrum ‘control’ of a property, without the total burdens of would be a longer-term strategy, such as buying a ownership. rental property and renting it over many years. I consider lease options and subject to’s to be in ALL money made in real estate is made by the center of that spectrum, usually requiring one controlling property. Owning property is the most to three years for the best payoff. However, you obvious way control it, can always imme- to diately sell the deal but to another individual control is possible or without ownership – investor for a profit; this is what is and control is what called makes the money. business It was a dying John in the “whole- saling.” This can be D. Rockefeller who done if you buy the told all of us his property at a low secret to achieving enough price that great wealth, “Control everything, own nothing.” All of the most you can turn a profit by selling the deal to another successful real estate developers today utilize investor at a discounted price. options, in one form or another. Visualize this scenario: It is important to be aware that there are some risks involved with this strategy (as with all real estate investments), but there are also ways to minimize your exposure and the rewards that can come with this technique truly out weighs the risks. Real Estate investing is truly the quickest and best way to build lasting wealth. Many of the world’s wealthiest people acquire much of their wealth through investing in real estate. In every seminar I teach I ask the students, “Who of you would be willing to purchase a home valued at $200,000 for $100,000.” Of course all hands shoot up. Then I continue by asking if they would still be willing to purchase the same home if the price was $150,000. Most of the hands stay up. I proceed upwards with the price increasing the