REI Wealth Monthly Issue 01 | Page 12

CREATIVE REAL ESTATE FINANCING AND ACQUISITION 101 MATT THERIAULT • When to Avoid: Avoid unless the Seller provides a title insurance policy clearing all items to which you, the buyer, object. Creative Real Estate Financing and Acquisition Strategy #7 Wrap Around Mortgage • A/K/A: Wrap, All Inclusive Wrap Around Mortgage, All Inclusive Wrap Around Trust Deed, AITD, Seller Carry-Back Wrap, among other terms. • Often Appropriate When: Seller has much equity and a low balance existing loan compared with the property value. The interest rate on the Seller’s loan is low. The existing loan has a lot of seasoning (the loan is many years old). Seller has no better investment options and likes the idea of a fixed rate of return over time. • When to Avoid: Avoid this if there is a balloon payment or an interest rate adjustment coming soon. Creative Real Estate Financing and Acquisition Strategy #8 IRA Investing • A/K/A: Self-Directed Retirement Account Investing, HSA Investing, Self-Directed 401K Investing, among other terms. • Often Appropriate When: Seller will discount the price deeply for cash. Property needs a lot of repairs. Prope rty has potentially great cash flow. Seller is willing to do any of the above strategies non-recourse. • When to Avoid: Avoid anything high risk or that will cash flow negatively.