REI Wealth Magazine, Issue #58 - Amy Mahjoory | Page 66

“ Find a NEED that the masses have and provide a solution .”

# 5 . Remain in control , BUT not in charge of Daily Minutia .
YES , control your business . But NOT the day­to­day operations . Focus on wealth creation . Focus on prospecting and networking with people of substance .
# 6 . The broke and the billionaires have 24 hours in a day .
How do billionaires get more accomplished ? They buy time by being a blessing . HOW ? By recruiting a skilled team .
Then , they delegate and outsource .
YOU become a blessing by creating jobs and opportunities .
# 7 . Don ’ t be the FLY on the window .
Don ’ t bang your head on the window , until your death with the WRONG repetitive activity .
Land , re­anchor yourself to find a new proven path to wealth and time freedom .
# 8 . Leverage your time and expertise .
Recruit a skilled TEAM and a proven , vetted mentor / coach / chairman .
A mentor / coach / chairman can show you how to create exponential growth , so you can earn more in the next 12 months than you have in the last 12 years .
# 9 . Goals VS . Values :
Goals change like the weather . Values are consistent like the climate .
Paycheck Goals VS . Family Values
# 10 . Pocket Promises .
Goals VS . Promises . What is the difference ?
When you promise your mother , wife , daughter , family , friends , staff that you will accomplish “ a promise you made them ” you have a 90 % chance of accomplishing it , as long as you have a written Plan of Action .
If you fail to plan , you are planning to fail . Plan your work and WORK your plan . Remember , as human beings we tend to do more for others than for ourselves .
Write down your TOP 5 Promises on an index card with a simple Plan of Action on HOW you will accomplish your Pocket Promises .
Be sure to read your Pocket Promises three times per day .
I once asked Bill , “ Knowing what you know now , what business would you get into ?”
He replied , “ Find a NEED that the masses have and provide a solution .” For me Real Estate is that NEED . People NEED a place to live , work , and play = Real Estate . Plus , in what other time­proven business can you buy an asset with NO money and terms ?
Creative real estate investing opens the doors to that billionaire lifestyle that so many of us desire .
* For privacy reasons , Bill ’ s last name has been purposely omitted . Mr . Padilla owns and operates HP Capital Investments , Inc , a real estate acquisition and investment firm in Los Angeles . Be sure to follow Mr . Padilla on Instagram # MyChairmanHP
Image by un­perfekt from Pixabay