REI Wealth Magazine, Issue #58 - Amy Mahjoory | Page 35

He was presented under his real name as Anwar Gavilanes , aka DJ Diddy . Along with Adam Zakaria under his business name Pizza Crave , and Frank Baldassare . They were supposedly rich and successful and had a nice car .
After signing the lease , this landlord told us that he never received any rent , after the first payment . On which was supposed to be a two­year lease for $ 7,300 per month .
Normally , that wouldn ’ t be a huge issue . Tenants don ’ t pay , you get an attorney and have them kicked out .
Unfortunately , the government went to the extreme of issuing an eviction moratorium , and shutting down the courts . His attorney simply couldn ’ t process the paperwork to get them removed . While the president went to extreme lengths to protect rogue occupants like this , landlords paid the price . He says he felt they ruined his life ’ s work on this property and jeopardized his finances . Those moratoriums were
The occupants had never paid any utilities , and the utility companies had never bothered to cut them off or bill them , because of ‘ COVID ’.
eventually overturned by judges who found them unconstitutional , but many may be asking where the compensation is for landlords .
These tenants continued to occupy the property , without paying any rent for a whole year !
It wasn ’ t until late 2021 , when he was finally granted a Zoom court meeting to get the tenants evicted .
When the landlord was finally able to access the property again , it was a disaster .
There was a soccer goal set up in the living room . No basic maintenance had been taken care of on the property in a year . The garage door was busted . Plus , broken fencing , damaged landscaping , and scratched and broken wood flooring which had to be completely replaced . The destruction ended up costing Levine $ 80k in repairs to restore the property to prepare it for sale . They found fake $ 100 bills in the property and all types of other craziness leftover from parties .
They even found out the occupants had been renting out the house to others on Airbnb , with no permission to sublease the property in their contract , taking their money , and still not paying the rent . They had even been advertising parties on the home on Eventbrite , at which they had been found serving alcohol to the underaged , and possibly drugs , which resulted in a summons from the police . It is unknown whether they have disclosed the income they illegally made from this operation to the IRS or not .
To make it worse , the utility companies started coming after him as the property owner . The occupants had never paid any utilities , and the utility companies had never bothered to cut them off or bill them , because of ‘ COVID ’.
Image by fernando zhiminaicela from Pixabay