REI Wealth Magazine, Issue #58 - Amy Mahjoory | Page 99

Ensuring those who inherit your real estate property don ’ t inherit a headache means having a plan in place . A real estate succession plan is one piece of a bigger estate planning strategy , as it helps protect assets , maintains or increases cash­flow for future generations , and yields more effective and flexible tax strategies . A real estate succession plan plays an important part in helping you achieve your goals and investment objectives .

If someone passes away without a succession blueprint in place , things like what to do with inherited real estate are left to chance . Many times , family members who inherit real estate want to sell it before they even know what they have . They typically don ’ t have the expertise to take on the role of a real estate professional who can help them evaluate the assets . Without the real estate expertise , the beneficiaries default into selling the assets without knowing the potential value of what they have inherited . In many cases real estate property may be re­developed into something bigger or more valuable than the original zoning , all
of which would / could make it a more
In each case it ’ s important to consider if favorable investment . Having a plan in those being named as inheritors or place can also help eliminate unnecessary managers are qualified to manage this type and unexpected family conflict that arises of asset . Do they have the appropriate from an under­qualified individual being licenses , maturity and experiences ? Could left to manage the asset . this cause additional contention or division
When it comes to the creation of a real amongst other family members ? These are estate succession plan , we suggest keeping important questions to ask at this phase . a few things in mind .
The ages of everyone involved also matters . Their season of life will affect the
Analyze Family Conditions lens they use to view things like assets and income , so these are important considerations
This analysis involves taking a thorough to keep in mind . As an analogy , an aging look at family dynamics and the individual parent who has a long history of successful relationships . It also takes into account real estate experience may want to keep their feet in the
Photo by Askar Abayev from Pexels investment world without too much personal involvement and without subjecting his / her children to undue risk . However , the children who view growing market conditions in their area might want to push the envelope and do more within an established strategy .
The parent and the children are stages of life of stakeholders , which can seeing the situation from different walks of have an impact on the members ’ needs and life , with different goals and experiences . how the plan moves forward . This step There are ways to help the two generations involves determining to whom , and how , find common ground and share in the asset will be transferred and who will appropriate risk and potential reward , be managing the real estate assets and rather than investing and developing establishing goals and objectives . simply because they can .

" The ages of everyone involved also matters . Their season of life will affect the lens they use to view things like assets and income , so these are important considerations to keep in mind ."