REI Wealth Magazine Featuring Paul Finck | Page 18
expenses" category can end up being
financially crippling.
It was disappointing to see such a
huge mistake on this advisor's email
because this is supposed to be a
professional of trust and expertise.
They have been in business a long
time advising California investors and
selling them outofstate properties.
Remember, that a
cash flow of $350
per month or so on
any house basically
means you will not
be making money on
that rental. By the
end of the year, the
cash flow most likely
will be used just on
the regular
maintenance and
upkeep of the
It was disappointing to see
nothing listed as a vacancy factor,
which ideally should be 7% of the
annual rent.
As far as the
reserve, the 1% rule
creates an easy
calculation for
investors to
remember. The rule
is: maintenance will
cost about one
percent of the
property value per
For the above property example
that would equal $1,000.
Lastly, under the "other expenses"
category, one should also reserve a
small cushion for those unexpected
Please don't start spending that
cash flow on fancy dinners just yet!
Remember, unexpected issues can go
wrong with your rentals, and when
multiplied many times over by
several properties, the "other
The best thing to do is invest
safely and cautiously by properly
calculating your numbers so you can
closely estimate what the outcome
will be. It may be prudent to also
only buy one property in a new area,
until you are comfortable with the
outcome of the investment and
property manager.
It's important to realize that as an
investor you won't actually see the
true benefits of rental property
ownership until your rentals are paid
Real estate investing is a long
term endeavor, so keep safe by
calculating numbers correctly and
seek advice from a trusted source.
In the meantime, stay in the game,
live frugally to buy more assets, and,
of course, always keep learning.
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