REI Wealth Magazine #63 - Highlighting Our Philadelphia Summit | Page 45

Reinstatement : After the borrower and lender agree to modify the monthly payments to avoid foreclosure , the loan is reinstated in good standing .
Short sale : If and when the mortgage debt is greater than the current market value for the home ( aka “ upside­down ” or “ underwater ”), the owner should contact me so that I can negotiate a discounted mortgage payoff and help you obtain the listing and find a buyer . My past client worked on 6,000 short sales (# 1 in the U . S .) many years ago and I was their main mortgage broker .
Target the Subconscious Mind
Your subconscious mind is a type of automatic thinking center where your desires to purchase or sell a product or service truly originate . Most people are “ impulse buyers ” who quickly purchase a product , service , or asset like a home without really thinking it through and closely analyzing the potential pros and cons associated with moving forward with the purchase .
Repetition is the key to programming or deeply influencing others as I intentionally wrote earlier for better memory recall . Advertisers know this as well , so they continually flood your digital screens over and over to inspire you to purchase their products or services offered .
A simple way to find out what your target audience ( one person standing next to you or in a hotel ballroom filled with 1,000 people ) is to ask them a question like “ What do you really want
in life ?” For many people , they will likely respond with love and money . It ’ s your turn then to show them how your product or service will help them later find love and money as you build the sales presentation around their needs and interests , not yours .
Interesting Subconscious Mind Facts :
• It records everything .
• It ’ s automatic and fully alert .
• It takes almost everything literally .
• It ’ s built on habituation and repetition .
• It controls 95 % to 99 % of our thoughts and beliefs .
• It ’ s one million times more powerful than our conscious mind . It ’ s deeply affected more by voice tones , body language , numbers , and symbols than spoken or written words .
Influential Sales Strategies : Dale Carnegie
Warren Buffett , one of the most famous wealth builders in the history of the world , publicly gives full credit to Dale Carnegie for helping him overcome his overwhelming fear of public speaking and later becoming one of the best­known
sellers and investors of all time .
I also took this brilliant Dale Carnegie course shortly after graduating from USC . To this day , I continue to use many of the same marketing and selling techniques that I learned while also sharing them in real estate and finance courses that I create for others .
A key component of a Dale Carnegie sales and speech course includes the A . I . C . D . C .: Attention , Interest , Conviction , Desire , and Close strategy . Let ’ s look next at how this sales concept can help you :