REI Wealth Mag issue 57 - The Best of REI Wealth | Page 58

Before I got involved with real estate I tried various other potential moneymaking ventures . I created a company called Advanced Video Productions , and spent the first 4 weeks designing the all important ‘ logo ’. I might have thought that my income was totally dependent on a well­designed , slick logo . I hadn ’ t learned anything about time management yet .

I created another company that sold satellite systems . This was way back when satellite dishes were huge . They could have been mistaken for UFO ’ s . My success ? I sold 1 satellite system , period . And that one system was sold to a friend . I hadn ’ t learned anything about marketing .
Another time , I got involved with a Multi Level Marketing group and ended up with a garage full of water filters . Well , it really seemed like a good idea at the time …..
Through the many successes and failures that I ’ ve either experienced over the years or witnessed others experience , I ’ ve identified 8 steps you can take that can put you on the fast track to wealth . These are simple , powerful steps that really work !!
The 3 Cornerstones Of Success
I ’ ve taken a lot of seminars and classes over the years , and I ’ ve learned that personal and financial growth requires an investment . You must be willing to invest your money and your time . Then you must make a commitment to discipline yourself . What good is having a superior knowledge of creative real estate if you don ’ t discipline yourself to use it ? Many successful real estate investors have invested many thousands of dollars in their creative real estate education . Their libraries are bulging with books , tapes , CD ’ s , DVD ’ s , and any other form of media necessary to put money­making techniques into their heads . They understand the power of “ The 3 Cornerstones Of Success ”.
The 3 Cornerstones Of Success are like a 3 legged stool . As long as there are 3 legs , the stool will support your weight . However , if you loose just 1 of those 3 legs , you ’ ll crash to the floor . This is a perfect parallel to the 3 Cornerstones Of Success .
1 . The 1st Cornerstone Of Success is continued education .
As successful investors , we make our money buying distressed property from motivated owners . In order to do that , we must learn how to creatively solve the problems that owners have with their properties . None of us were born with this creative knowledge . We have to invest our money and our time into our education , and we have to learn the smart , money­making principles and techniques . Then , we use these smart , money­making principles and techniques as tools to creatively structure win­win deals . This is why we continue to read books , listen to tapes , and take classes . This brings us to the 2nd Cornerstone Of Success .
2 . The 2nd Cornerstone Of Success is discipline .
You must discipline yourself to use the smart , money­making principles and techniques that you ’ ve learned .
This doesn ’ t necessarily mean that you have to spend 15 hours each day to work your business . It could mean that you simply discipline yourself to write that offer , or send that letter out , or talk to that owner or neighbor , or anything else that you been procrastinating about . So much of the time we ’ re so close to success , but we give up just before we achieve it . Most of the time we give up because it is to scary or to painful to proceed on . Anticipating an owner who says no instead of yes can be both scary and painful . Dig down as deep as you need to and find that spark of passion that you can use to generate the discipline that you need . Use it like a magic carpet to fly above the pitfalls to success .
3 . The 3rd cornerstone is productive action on a daily basis .
You must continue to learn , you must discipline yourself to use what you ’ ve learned , and now you must put it to work on a daily basis . It may be that the productive action of the day may only take 15 or 20 minutes . Success comes to the person who has made him / herself worthy of the success that they seek . And you make yourself worthy by following the 3 Cornerstones Of Success . Then , you ’ re prepared whenever opportunity comes along .
Photo by ICSA from Pexels