REI Wealth Issue #60 featuring Steve Davis, Total Wealth Academy | Página 52

Remember the concept “ you locate a buyer ; you do not create a buyer .”
Here are three different examples of developing sizable networks :
1 . You have 10 “ active ” leads in your universe . Another person that you follow up with consistently has a total of 10 “ active ” leads in their separate network . If you communicated with your 10 each month or each quarter , and they communicated with their leads , then the total universe of “ active ” possibilities would be 100 .
2 . You have a medium­size network , such as 100 , but fail to engage in a consistent follow­up daily action habit . Failure to engage may become your barrier . It will be necessary for you to change your action pattern . Calling , emailing , and communicating consistently with at least 10­20 active prospects daily is a good start . 20 is not a magic number , but if you call and they enjoy talking with you , that may be all you can handle . Otherwise , you may be calling 20 to 30 “ actives ” per day , completed and non­answered calls , and follow up with a polite “ thank you ” email .
3 . You have 200 or more “ active ” leads in your network that you follow up each month or quarter with a good action habit . The person you follow up with also has 200 or more potential leads that they follow up consistently with a good action habit . 200 X 200 = a total of 40,000 universes of possibilities .
Let ’ s assume that your CPA has 2,000 clients . During a meeting between the
Remember the concept “ you locate a buyer ; you do not create a buyer .”
CPA and the client , the client needs a service provider . Whose name pops up ? Yours , if you have been effective at your job of staying in touch with the CPA .
The purpose of these examples is to serve as a reminder that if you want to become successful , then associate and follow up with other correspondingly successful people who also have an extensive network . Imagine having 1,000 or 10,000 different people who are receptive to taking a call from you , showing you respect , and enjoying the conversation , and who also have an extensive network of their own .
Leveraging your time and effectiveness :
There will be a natural point at which you will not be able to keep up the pace , close all the transactions , and provide quality service because you will be overloaded . You should hire an assistant to leverage your time and effectiveness . The assistant may be an employee or an independent contractor .
The salesperson should identify the task that only he can do , such as face­toface communication with the client . Others may be writing up an offer and presenting it to a seller and seller ’ s agent .
The salesperson should identify tasks that can be effectively delegated to an assistant or junior partner .
A government license scheme may prohibit an assistant from certain functions and limit the decision to delegate . However , in some states , such as in California there are provisions in
real estate licensing for performing certain functions under what is referred to as unlicensed assistant law . Each state has its own .
The effective delegator will free up time to close more transactions , spend more with his family , and enjoy time in his mental hobby shop .
Remember the concept “ You locate a buyer ; you do not create a buyer .”
Dan is President and CEO at California Commercial Advisers , Inc . He consults on subjects of Business Growth & Private Money . Dan often creates articles interrelated to these subjects . He has been active in the real estate and financial services industry since 1972 & possesses a lifetime teaching credential for secondary and adult education . He has taught over 350 educational seminars on subjects related to real estate lending , private money lending & loan underwriting for commercial / industrial properties .
Contact Dan Today Mobile : 949.533.8315 Email : dan @ danharkey . com