REI Wealth #54 - Featuring Flip and Dani Robison Issue #54 - COVID-19 Special Report | Page 66

Breaking COVID­19 News
The biggest reason is everyone else is turning o ads or scaling back . That means , you have the means to corner the market , with higher visibility and drastically lower cost per acquisition .
Also , more people will be home , bored , and surfing social media for hours on end . Whose ads are they going to see ? Not your scared competitors who are " waiting for the storm to pass ." No . They are seeing YOUR ads . You are the agent they call .
This is the best time to EVER be running ads . People are home from work and glued to their phones . Easily closed deals are happening all day long .
2 . Be the Authority
If we look back to the time in 2000 when we had the dot com boom and bust , that was really the catalyst of the rotation of money coming out of the stock market and into real estate . That ’ s what led to the boom that we saw . This is the time where the agent who adds the most value really has a unique opportunity . You see , when we have chaos and when you bring clarity , you have the opportunity to set the table for gaining market share , for gaining the trust of your clients , and moving from a place where people know and like you to them actually trusting you .
3 . See the Economy as Working FOR Your Buyers coming out of the stock market . People just get tired of riding the rollercoaster . When that happens , then we ' ll see that money rotate somewhere . Money doesn ' t typically sit on the sidelines long . It wants to look for yield . It wants to look for opportunity . Historically , that money has moved into hard assets .
One of the biggest hard asset classes is real estate . So it would make sense that when we ' re looking at this , as the money rotates out of the stock market , that money will be looking for yield in real estate . Bringing real estate in more demand . We ' ve already got a market that has strong demand . It could be now we get gas on the re that we already have .
4 . Leverage these Historically Low Interest Rates
We have historically low interest rates . I have no doubt in my mind that there will be some point in the next five years where people will look back and say , " I cannot believe that I could ' ve gotten a 30 year xed rate mortgage at this time in the 2 %+ range !" It ' s unbelievable to think how cheap money is right now . Now , if we were in a situation where everything was normal and we had these rates , it would be a boom for real estate . If you add in the fact that we ' ve got these interest rates where they are , and we also have money rotating out of the stock market , that means that right now this is a recipe for a boom and for us to see some growth in our real estate market .
5 . The Stimulus Package
The federal government just approved 2.5 billion dollars ’ worth of a stimulus package . Now the stimulus package money typically takes time for it to really leak out into the economy , typically in the six month time period . So what does this mean ? This means by summer the money will begin to stimulate the economy in full effect , just in time for the summer boom for real estate . Right now is an opportunity for us to add value to our clients by being that person that brings facts to the table , not just hearsay , that person that looks on the long term benefits for their clients , not just the short term . You see , when you add value to your clients , those relationships grow deeper and your business begins to build . This is a unique opportunity .
When we look at volatility in the stock market , typically what happens is , we see an Exodus of money