REI Wealth #54 - Featuring Flip and Dani Robison Issue #54 - COVID-19 Special Report | Page 16


Our Business is Evolving Virtually , Join Us !

Photo by John De Cindis

We ' re not letting COVID-19 deter us from networking and educating the masses .

By Linda Pliagas , Publisher / Editor
Dear Friends of REI Wealth ; Thank you for joining us once again for our new issue . Certainly , we commend you for tuning in and tuning out the noise that surrounds us . While circumstances may seem chaotic and uncertain during these tumultuous times , let ' s remember the commonalities we all share , regardless of race , heritage or political background .
We all want to live in peace to enjoy freedom of religion and selfexpression . We all yearn for quality education , so that we can have the opportunities to financially provide for our families .
After all , the American Dream is for our children to do BETTER THAN US , not worse . To help our readers , subscribers , fans , and followers get BACK ON TRACK to start or grow that family legacy , we are conducting a series of Virtual Investor Expos . Our next one will be July 25th and 26th . You ' ll be able to find details about our events at our website , REIWealthmag . com , as well as on Realty411 . com .
Some timely topics and subject matters that will be covered are vital for the success of our portfolios ,
including : rehabbing , land trusts , multifamily investments , syndication deals , best rental markets , private finance , taxes , insurance options , IRA investing , leverage , buying and holding , motivation and positive thinking , and so much more .
These mustĀ­attend complimentary weekend expos are specifically designed to inform investors and give insight to assist our guests in making important decisions about their financial goals right now , and in the years to come .
One of the benefits of our complimentary Virtual Investor Expos is that each participant may ASK ANY QUESTION they want at the end of each presentation ! It ' s a great opportunity to connect with