Registration of Partnership Firm | Partnership Firm Registration Partnership Firm | Page 5

Requirements & Procedure for Registration of a Partnership Firm 1. Make the application in the manner prescribed. The required fees are to be attached to it and a true copy of the partnership deed also needs to be sent to the registrar of firms. 2. Then attach the required documents with the application. Documents are Registration Form (Form no. 1), duly filed affidavit, a certified copy of the partnership deed. 3. Once the above stages are completed the next thing you need to pay is the required fees for registration. 4. Naming the partnership firm: The name that is chosen by the partners. Once a firm is registered it has to use the term “registered” as a suffix. If the partners are not satisfied with the order of the registrar when it comes to the name of the firm, the partners have the right to appeal to the authorized personnel of the state government in this behalf. The period of appealing is 30 days from the date in which the order was passed. 5. Entry by registrar: Once the registrar the registrar makes an entry in the “Register of Firms” and issues the ‘Certificate of Registration’.