Assistance for Students
Special Education
A continuum of special education services are available for students who have a disability as defined by criteria established by the Department of Education and who demonstrate the need for special education and related services .
A special education case manager will team with parents and regular education teachers in developing an Individual Education Plan [ IEP ].
An initial plan will address the student ’ s progress in the regular education curriculum . Progress toward academic standards will be revised annually by a team that includes parents , regular education teachers , special education teachers and administrators .
The plan will describe the student ’ s participation in the Minnesota Comprehensive Assessment [ MCA ] testing and other district-wide testing as well as the special education and related services the student needs .
Section 504 Accommodation
Students who are determined to have “ a substantial limitation in a major life activity ” by a multidisciplinary team may have a 504 Accommodation Plan . The Accommodation Plan will describe accommodations which the team , inclusive of parents , has determined to be necessary to allow the student to access instruction .
Accommodations may include , but are not limited to , modified assignments , untimed tests , adaptive equipment , assigned seating or adjusted schedule .
Students who are placed on a 504 Accommodation Plan will participate in the state and local assessment of academic standards .
Multilingual Learners [ ML ] ( EL )
( formerly English Learners )
The Anoka-Hennepin School District provides specific educational programming for ML students who qualify for English Language Services . Students may qualify to receive English Language services if they meet one or more of the following criteria : [ 1 ] The student first learned a language other than or in addition to English , [ 2 ] A language other than English is most often spoken in the home , or [ 3 ] The student usually speaks a language other than English .
The English Language program in Anoka-Hennepin promotes students ’ growth in academic English .
Students are given the ACCESS assessment on an annual basis to determine continued eligibility for English Language services . If you have questions , consult your counselor .
Anoka Middle School for the Arts Jerri McGonigal Phone : 763-506-5000 Email : Jerri . McGonigal @ ahschools . us
Coon Rapids Middle School Tom Shaw Phone : 763-506-4800 Email : Tom . Shaw @ ahschools . us
Jackson Middle School Math and Science Specialty Thomas Hagerty Phone : 763-506-5200 Email : Tom . Hagerty @ ahschools . us
Northdale Middle School Jeffrey Leach Phone : 763-506-5400 Email : Jeffrey . Leach @ ahschools . us
Oak View Middle School Gary Lundeen Phone : 763-506-5600 Email : Gary . Lundeen @ ahschools . us
Roosevelt Middle School Jeff McGongigal , Interim Phone : 763-506-5800 Email : Jeffrey . McGonigal @ ahschools . us