Honors Debate II .......................... 50 Public Speaking ........................... 50 Coll Honors Public Speaking ................. 50
Multilingual Learners [ ML ] ( EL ) ............. 50
Family and Consumer Sciences [ FCS ] . . . . 51-52 Introduction to Culinary Arts ................. 51 Culinary Arts I ............................ 51 Culinary Arts II ............................ 51 Nutrition ................................. 51 Food Science ............................. 51 Child and Human Development .............. 52 Early Childhood Careers .................... 52 Coll Foundation of Education ................ 52 Fabric , Apparel , and Design ................. 52 Interior Design and Housing ................. 52 Consumer Strategies ...................... 52 Interpersonal Relationships ................. 52 Honors Family and Consumer Sciences Internship . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
Health ................................... 53 Health ................................... 53 Healthy Living I ........................... 53 Healthy Living II ........................... 53
IB at Champlin Park High School ........ 54-60 Honors Social Studies 10 / Honors English 10 Block .................. 55 IB English 11 HL .......................... 55 IB English / AVID 11 ......................... 55 IB English 12 HL .......................... 56 IB English 12 SL . .......................... 56 IB English / AVID 12 ......................... 56 IB English 12 HL Enrichment ................ 56 IB French SL IV ........................... 56 IB German SL IV .......................... 56 IB Spanish SL IV ........................... 56 IB French V SL or HL ....................... 56 IB German V SL or HL . ..................... 56 IB Spanish V SL or HL ...................... 57 IB Ab Initio French SL [ Level I - Grade 11 ] and [ Level II - Grade 12 ] ....................... 57 IB Ab Initio German SL [ Level I - Grade 11 ] and [ Level II - Grade 12 ] ....................... 57 IB Ab Initio Spanish SL [ Level I - Grade 11 ] and [ Level II - Grade 12 ] ....................... 57 Honors Social Studies 10 /
Honors English 10 Block ................... 57 [ AP European History ]/ IB History 11 HL ........ 57 IB History of the Middle East & Africa 12 HL .... 57 IB Biology 11 SL ........................... 58 IB Biology 12 SL ........................... 58 IB Biology 12 HL .......................... 58 IB Chemistry 12 SL ......................... 58 IB Chemistry 12 HL ........................ 58 IB Sports Exercise and Health Science ......... 58 IB Math Applications and Interpretations SL ( A & B ) ................. 58
IB Math Applications and Interpretations SL ( C & D ). ................. 59 IB Math Analysis and Approaches SL 11 ........ 59 IB Math Analysis and Approaches SL 12 ........ 59 [ AP Calculus AB / BC ]/ IB Mathematics HL 11 ..... 59 IB Math Analysis and Approaches HL12 ........ 59 IB Music SL ............................... 59 IB Music HL .............................. 59 IB Business and Management SL-3 Tri ......... 59 IB Psychology SL .......................... 60 IB Visual Arts SL ........................... 60 IB Theory of Knowledge I ................... 60 IB Theory of Knowledge II ................... 60 IB Personal and Professional Skills 11 .......... 60 IB Personal and Professional Skills 12 ......... 60
Mathematics .......................... 61-63 HS Intermediate Algebra .................... 61 HS Geometry with College Foundations ....... 62 Honors HS Geometry with College Foundations . 62 HS Algebra II ............................. 62 Honors HS Algebra II ....................... 62 AP Statistics .............................. 62 Coll Honors College Algebra Through Modeling 62 Coll Honors College Algebra ................. 62 Honors Precalculus ........................ 63 AP Statistics .............................. 63 AP Calculus AB ............................ 63 Calculus AB Seminar . ....................... 63 AP Calculus BC ............................ 63 AP Calculus AB / BC ........................ 63 AP Calculus AB / BC ]/ IB Mathematics HL 11 ..... 63
Music ................................. 64-65 Band I ................................... 64 Band II .................................. 64 Honors Band III ........................... 64 Marching Band [ CRHS only ] .................... 64 Concert Band [ CRHS only ] ..................... 64 Choir I ................................... 65 Choir II .................................. 65 Honors Choir III ........................... 65 Honors Choir IV ........................... 65 Voice Lab ................................ 65 Orchestra I ............................... 65 Orchestra II .............................. 65 Honors Orchestra III ....................... 65 Music Exploration ......................... 65 AP Music Theory . ......................... 65 World Drumming [ CPHS and CRHS only ] ....... 65
Physical Education ..................... 66-67 Physical Education I ........................ 66 Physical Education II ....................... 66 Accelerated Basketball I .................... 66 Accelerated Basketball II .................... 66 Accelerated Basketball III ................... 66 Accelerated Volleyball I ..................... 66 Accelerated Volleyball II .................... 66
Accelerated Volleyball III .................... 66 Group Fitness I ............................ 67 Group Fitness II . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 Lifetime Activities Outdoors [ Fall / Spring ]. ...... 67 Lifetime Activities Outdoors [ Winter ] .......... 67 Physical Education Elective 9 ................ 67 Strength Training and Conditioning I .......... 67 Strength Training and Conditioning II .......... 67 Strength Training and Conditioning III ......... 67 Strength Training and Conditioning IV ......... 67 Team Sports .............................. 67 Total Sports I ............................. 67 Total Sports II ............................. 67
Reading ................................. 68 Reading for High School Success ............. 68 Reading for Today ’ s World .................. 68 Coll Reading and Study Strategies ............ 68
Science ............................... 69-72 Earth Science ............................. 71 Honors Earth Science ...................... 71 Honors Physics ............................ 71 Chemistry I ............................... 71 Honors Chemistry I ........................ 71 AP Chemistry ............................. 71 Biology I ................................. 71 AP Biology [ AndHS , BHS , CRHS ]. ............. 71 Coll Honors Biology ........................ 71 Honors Biology II : Genetics and Biotechnology .. 71 Honors Biology II : Physiology / Anatomy ........ 72 Honors Chemistry II ........................ 72 Astronomy ............................... 72 Geology of Minnesota ...................... 72 Meteorology ............................. 72 Outdoor Adventures Fall Environmental Science .................... 72 Outdoor Adventures Winter Environmental Science .................... 72 Outdoor Adventures Spring Environmental Science .................... 72 AP Physics 1 : Algebra-Based ................. 72 Physics .................................. 72 Physics 1 Seminar .......................... 72
STEAM at Anoka High School [ required ]. ... 73 English 11 for STEAM ...................... 74 English 12 for STEAM ...................... 74 Honors Design & Development for STEAM . .... 74 STEAM Digital Communication & Design ....... 74 STEAM Foundations ....................... 74 STEAM Digital Design Lab .................. 74 STEAM Mechanical Design Lab ............... 74
STEAM at Anoka High School [ elective ] . 75-76 College Honors Creative Problem Solving ...... 75 Digital Music Composition I ................. 75 Digital Music Composition II ................. 75 Dance Technique I ......................... 75 Dance Technique II ........................ 75
28 High School Registration Guide