Regional Open Innovation Campus (ROIC) ROIC_e-book | Page 30
Roadmap to ROIC
Phase 1 - Planning
Present - July 2019
Finalize decision on the site of the ROIC
Formalize the business plan
Identify Partner universities to host some of their departments in ROIC
Design the structure of PPP arrangement and describe the roles of each party
Identify partners, negotiate the terms (arrangement, equity stake, management etc)
to establish the PPP
• Conduct Public Policy Reforms to ensure the set-up of PPP
• Finalize decision regarding the Partnership structure and move forward to establish
it (sign the agreement).
• Form Steering Committee to oversee project implementation
Phase 2 - Fundraising for CAPEX
Present - December 2019
• Formalize general Fundraising strategy for ROIC
• Target potential funding sources, adjust strategy towards them
• Apply to different funding schemes (HORIZON 2020, ADB, etc), receive commitments
(both in form of money, land, etc) from the partners
• Finalize legal and managerial structure of ROIC and establish a separate legal entity