Region 4 Fourcaster August 2013

REGION FOUR J U LY 2 01 3 FOURCAS TER REGIONAL MANAGEMENT TEAM Team Coordinator Sharon Terrell [email protected] Membership Coordinator Bonnie Morgan [email protected] Marketing Coordinator Sue Pelley [email protected] Events Coordinator Kathie Holloway [email protected] Education Coordinator Marlene Brauchle [email protected] Directors’ Coordinator Kim Wonders [email protected] Communications Coordinator Bethany Grate [email protected] Did you know... Fall Fling is September 27-28 and Dale Syverson will be teaching? Dale Syverson has directed Rich-Tones Chorus since 1976? When Dale began directing Richtones they had only 18 members? Since Dale began directing Rich-Tones they have won International five times?